Married To The Badge - Western Slope Auxiliary, is an organized group of spouses, partners and sometimes the better half of law enforcement agents, officers and deputies from across Western Colorado.
Our mission is three fold:
To be active community partners in uniting through working with charities, fundraising for quality of life improvements and organizing pro-law enforcement public events.
To support the law enforcement agencies and their employees (our spouses) in our communities from celebration to crisis.
Uniting through our common bond, strengthening our families, our spouses and our law enforcement agencies.​
Our Board of Directors is currently comprised of spouses from the Mesa County Sheriff's Office, Delta Police Department, (retired) National Park Service, (retired) Bureau of Land Management . Our members have spouses in agencies from Garfield to La Plata counties, and we are actively recruiting to expand our membership to all agencies and counties in Western Colorado.
We add members nearly everyday and encourage you to connect with us! Find us and support us on our public Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MarriedToTheBadge/
We look forward to supporting law enforcement for the betterment of our communities, TOGETHER.
--2020 Board of Directors
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Board Chair